Interbank Funds Transfer

Code Message Meaning
1​ ​Processing ​The credit request to the beneficiary bank is processing.
01 Pending Customer debit in process. Do a Transaction Status Query to confirm the final status of the transaction before resending a request.
2 or "00"​ ​Successful ​The debit request of the sender account was successful, and a request sent to credit the beneficiary. Do a TSQ to confirm the state of the beneficiary credit request.
​-1 ​Cancelled Transaction request failed
-2 Failed ​Transaction request failed
-3​ Fatal Error Transaction request failed
91 ​RequestTimeout ​Transaction Timeout. Kindly do a TSQ to confirm the state of the transaction

Interbank TSQ Responses

- 4 FailedAndReversed The account was debited, the transfer failed and the debit has been reversed.
- 2 FailedAndReversalPending The account was debited, transfer failed and the system would reverse the debit.
1 Pending The Account was debited and the transaction is still pending (NIBSS status pending), however, if you have this pending for more than 24 hours, please send the transaction to us.
- 5 RecordNotFound The transaction with this SessionId is not found.
3 ManualConfirmationRequired Manual confirmation is required.
-1 DebitFailed DebitFailed..
9 ​InvalidRequest

KUDA TO KUDA Funds Transfer

Code Message Meaning
​00 ​Successful ​No TSQ is needed.
01 Pending Customer debit in process, do a Transaction Status Query to confirm the final status of the transaction before resending a request.
​06 ​ProcessingError Transaction Failed.
​09 ModelValidatioError ​Request has an invalid parameter.
​23 ​PNDonTier0Accounts A PND was placed on this account, please contact support.
26 Duplicate Transaction Transaction already processed successfully with the reference used.
k26 Duplicate Request Reference The request cannot be processed because a request was made with this reference.
​28 ​ForceDebitNotAllowed ​You cannot force debit an account.
30 FormatError ​Request has an invalid data format.
​51 InsufficientBalance ​Transaction failed, insufficient balance.
​52 ​NoCheckAccount Transaction Failed, this account is inactive.
​57 ​TransactionPermission ​Transaction Failed, this transaction is not permitted on this account.
​90 ​CutOffInProgress Transaction failed, system maintenance ongoing. Please retry transaction in a few minutes.
​K91 ​RequestTimeOut Transaction timeout, please do a TSQ to confirm the status of the transaction.
​93 ExceedsCashLimit ​Tier level restriction.

KUDA To KUDA TSQ Responses

Code Message Meaning
K00 TransactionSuccessful This Transaction was successful
​K01 ​TransactionFailedReversed ​This transaction failed and was reversed.
K06 ​Operation Failed Transaction Failed.
K25 / 25 Record Not Found No record with the transaction ref was found.
26 Duplicate Transaction Transaction already processed successfully with the reference used.
​K91 ​TransactionTimeout ​Your request timed out, please do a TSQ to verify status.